(Standard, Transponder & High Security Keys)
(Local Businesses)
(Home Security)
(Gun Safes, Cash & Fire Boxes)
Before hiring any professional, always check the BSIS website to insure they are licensed by the State of California. Our BSIS LCO# is 4632.
Associations & Memberships – Contractor Lic. # 964099 – Bonded & Insured
All About Locks & Safes is a Mobile Service, but I realize some folks like to drop off projects for later pickup to save some money or when the project is not as time-sensitive. For these reasons, I have installed a night drop box and a secure drop box for customers to use at their request.
My address for this service is:
12 Marydith Lane, Chico, California 95926, United States
Serving Chico, Paradise, Magalia, Oroville, Hamilton city, Corning, Biggs, Gridley, and more.